In a proactive move directed by the leadership, including Jammu Kashmir Pradesh Youth Congress President Shri Aakash Bharat Ji, Suhail Ahmad Rather District Youth Congress Coordinator for Lok Sabha election 2014 of Shopian, organized a “Nyay Do, Rozgar Do” Programme cum demonstration in Shopian district. The event witnessed active participation from scores of enthusiastic youth.

The demonstration echoed with resounding slogans advocating for the Bharat Jodo Yatra, as well as expressing support for prominent leaders such as Shri Rahul Gandhi Ji and Shri Aakash Bharat Ji. The youth’s fervent participation underscored their unwavering commitment to social justice and employment opportunities.

Under the guidance of esteemed leadership, such initiatives exemplify the proactive engagement of the youth in addressing pertinent socio-economic issues, thereby contributing to the collective aspirations of the community.

The event not only served as a platform for voicing concerns but also symbolized the resilience and determination of the youth in striving for a brighter and more equitable future for all.