Some two weeks after hinting at switching from journalism to politics Ishrat Bashir Bhat – a young Kashmir-based journalist – Thursday announced to have formally joined Syed Mohammad Altaf Bukhari led Jammu and Kashmir Apni Party.

Ishrat Bashir Bhat, who has been face of various media portals off-late, said she has joined Apni Party after a lot of contemplation.

“After giving a thought to choose my career ahead in politics, I concluded to join the Jammu and Kashmir Apni Party because to me it looks the only viable party that could possibly do away with the mess the Jammu and Kashmir has found itself grappling with for many decades now”, Ishrat said.

Conceding that she even mulled to see if she could join any other party, Ishrat says “Looking into their track record and time to time deception of various regional political parties I saw them all involved in the pushing a common Kashmiri to wall even as these parties majorly being ruled by dynasties in one or the other way.

“Jammu and Kashmir Apni Party is what it is from in and outside and it has a transparent policy which other parties miserably lack.”

“The Apni Party has a rich manifesto which reflects the aspirations of a common Kashmiri who otherwise has been duped and deceived from different parties from time to time”, says Ishrat.