Sayed Zahid / Mir Aasif

Rajouri: A man was killed while the driver was seriously injured after a tipper fell into a gorge in Khandli bridge area adjacent to the Rajouri Jammu division.

Official told Kashmir Scroll (KS) that the driver lost balance from his vehicle in Khandli Bridge and fell into the ditch in which one person lost his life and the driver of the tipper was injured seriously.

“Driver shifted to GMC Rajouri in seriously injured for treatment” official said.

While confirming the identification official said that tipper rider Sarfaraz Ahmed son of Muhammad Sharif resident of Thudi Jawahar Nagar died on the spot while tipper driver Mushtaq Hussain son of Talib Hussain resident of Thudi was seriously injured.

In this regard, the police have started further investigation after registering the case.(KS)