Shopian police has solved a theft case registered on the basis of complaint filed by Local Shopkeepers in PS Shopian regarding theft of electronic items including mobile phones, laptops and electronic accessories and clothes, shoes etc during intervening night on 24/25th of March 2022 from their Shops .
During investigation, on the basis of analysis of CCTV footage and technical leads, the theives were identified as Tariq Ahmed Bhat s/o Abdul Aziz Bhat R/o Arihal Pulwama, Bilu Sadaqat, Razak, Zafar ,Saqeeb@ Molvi all residents of district Rajouri
Statement issued by Shopian Police further states that one Theif Tariq Ahmed Bhat has been arrested and on his disclosure stolen items including 2 laptops, 15 smart phones clothes including 20 shirts,18 Pants and 08 Shoes etc have been recovered.
Police statement further reads that out of other five thieves, Saqadat has been arrested by Rajouri Police and is still in their custody while others are absconding and efforts are on foot to nab them and further recoveries are expected.
Shopian police has requested the Shopkeepers in Shopian Town to install CCTV Cameras in their establishments so that such kind of incidents can be curbed. Moreover , night Patrolling has been geared up in the areas where frequent attempts of theft have been reported.