Srinagar: The 10th Battalion of the Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) organized an inspiring awareness rally for Mission Life (Lifestyle for Environment) at Batmaloo Chowk. Led by Sh. Rohitashwa, Commandant of the 10th Bn. SSB, Srinagar, the rally aimed to educate the local community about the importance of adopting preventive measures to keep the Earth pollution-free.

Enthusiastic participation marked the event, with students from the Government Boys High School in Chattabal joining officers and officials from the 10th Bn. SSB. Together, they raised awareness through vibrant banners and posters strategically placed along the roadside. The messages included encouraging drivers to switch off their engines at traffic signals during red lights and promoting the reduction of plastic usage, urging everyone to contribute to the protection and restoration of our planet Earth.

Addressing the gathering, Commandant Sh. Rohitashwa emphasized the need to protect nature, highlighting the mantra, “Prakriti Rakshati Rakshita,” which translates to “Those who protect nature, nature protects them.” He underscored that Mission Life transcends the responsibility of the government, requiring contributions from individuals, society, and communities. Mission Life strives to democratize the fight against climate change, empowering everyone to contribute to the cause in their capacity. Commandant Sh. Rohitashwa also reminded the audience of the profound connection between humanity and the Earth, quoting the famous Athrvaveda verse, “Mata Bhumiya Pratroham Prithviyya,” meaning “Earth is our mother, and we are her children.”

Additionally, the students from the local school had the opportunity to visit the 10th Bn. SSB campus as part of the “Unity” theme under the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, aimed at fostering understanding of the police forces. The visit included general awareness sessions on recruitment policies for joining the SSB and other police forces, serving the nation, and maintaining physical fitness. The students gained valuable insights into the activities of the police forces, fostering a sense of familiarity and connection.

Concluding the event, Commandant Sh. Rohitashwa expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the media representatives, as well as the local public, for their presence and support during the program.

The awareness rally organized by the 10th Bn. SSB in Batmaloo has not only inspired environmental responsibility but also showcased the power of collective action in preserving our planet. The event serves as a reminder that by embracing the principles of Mission Life, individuals and communities can make a positive impact and protect our natural heritage for future generations.