Poonch: A number of families were rendered shelter-less after their joint house was gutted in a fire incident last night at Gagrian Wazli Swajian, an area of Mandi in Poonch district, officials said on Saturday.
A police officer told GNS that the fire erupted 01:20 a.m. in the joint house of Mushtaq Ahmed son of Samed Bhat , his brother Gulzar Ahmed, Habib ullha of Mohda Bhat , Ali Bhat son of Rahim Bhat and his son Ghulam Nabi at Gagrian Wazli. Soon a police team reached the spot and along with locals doused off the flames. The fire, according to preliminary investigations, was caused by short-circuit, he added. While the house was completed gutted, there was no loss of life or injury reported in the incident. (GNS)