Fresh tension erupted in Delhi’s Jahangirpuri today as the police, looking for a missing accused man, tried to question his relative. Stones were thrown at the police team, two days after clashes during a Hanuman Jayanti procession on Saturday.

Here are the 10 latest developments in this story:

1) A police team had gone to Jahangirpuri to look for an accused, Sonu Chikna, who was caught on camera firing shots during the Saturday clash.

2) Sonu Chikna has been missing since the clashes, though his brother Salim Chikna has been arrested. When a police team arrived to question the family of Sonu Chikna, his family members and neighbours threw stones at the team.

3) Many people seen participating in the clashes have been missing. Eight were caught today.

4) As the violence threatened to escalate, personnel of the Rapid Action Force (RAF) formed a human wall to prevent any clashes.

5) On Saturday, the clash broke out on Saturday evening between two communities during a Hanuman Jayanti procession. Both sides have accused the other of initiating the violence.

6) Earlier, Delhi Police Commissioner Rakesh Asthana had said that a search is on for all the accused. “23 people have been arrested. They are from both communities. Action will be taken against any person found guilty irrespective of their class, creed, community and religion,” Mr Asthana told reporters.

7) “Some people are trying to disturb peace through the medium of social media. We are monitoring social media closely, and legal action will be taken against those who are found spreading misinformation. The public should not pay heed to rumours,” Mr Asthana added.

8) The police had earlier said three country-made pistols and five swords have been seized from the arrested men, the police said. Among the arrested men is Aslam, who, the police say, shot at Delhi Police sub-inspector Medalal Meena. A country-made pistol has been recovered from him.

9) Another man, Ansar, who allegedly brought four or five people with him and started arguments with procession members near the mosque, has also been arrested. This altercation escalated to stone pelting from both sides.

10) The Muslims in the area have claimed that those participating in the Hanuman Jayanti procession carried weapons and tried to vandalise a mosque. Participants in the procession admitted that they carried arms but blamed the violence on the Muslims, who, they said, threw stones at them.