Two cops were injured after stones were pelted at them during raids at the location of dreaded narcotics smuggler Saif Ali in the Vijaypur area of Samba district.

The injured have been identified as SPOs Ajay Sambyal and Sahil Chaudhary.

Officials said that the team based on a tip-off had gone to Rakh Brotia Village in Samba to arrest the offender when the locals started pelting stones at police teams. In the melee, two police-men sustained injuries.

The sources said that the police team was attacked while they were returning after carrying out raids in the area, and the drug smuggler managed to escape from the spot.

The police detained the father of Saif Ali, after which locals objected and resorted to stone pelting.

Police have registered a case against 10 locals including Aneef, Zakir, Babu and Murad.–(RepublicTV)