SHOPIAN: One Stop Centre (OSC) Shopian today resolved a case of financial fraud involving a student from Shopian seeking admission to a university outside her hometown.
The victim had saved approximately Rs.15,000 from her pocket money for the admission process and had approached agents from Shopian, who assured her of securing admission in the University.
However, despite paying the agents, her admission was not finalized. For two years, the agents refused to return her money, instead harassing and blackmailing her. The student called 181 Women Helpline which referred the matter to the One Stop Centre (OSC) in Shopian.
The OSC Shopian promptly registered the case and began the process of resolving the issue. Within a period of three days, the agent returned the money to the student.
The respondent was also given proper counseling and guidance on the laws and rights of women, ensuring to understand the severity of his actions and warned against engaging in such fraudulent activities in future.
To ensure accountability, the respondent signed a surety bond in the presence of Centre Administrator, OSC officials and witnesses.
After proper documentation, the case was settled amicably, bringing closure and justice to the survivor.