Jammu: Unidentified gangsters struck the house of Rakesh Aggarwal alias Kesha Bania in the Gandhi Nagar area this morning, held the family at gunpoint and took away 15 lakh rupees cash, reported the Daily Excelsior.
However, none of the family members were harmed, police said.
SSP Jammu Chandan Kohli told the Excelsior that the police succeeded in getting vital leads about the incident and were on the job to arrest the gangsters.
As per the police, a group of eight to 10 armed people entered the house of businessman Rakesh Aggarwal forcibly after the family opened the door at around 7 am. They pushed the family inside and locked the door.
The family was kept at gunpoint and the gangsters collected Rs 15 lakh cash from the house of Rakesh Aggarwal and decamped.
“A number of people in the gang were holding weapons. However, they didn’t fire. They took cash and left,” police said.
While fleeing, they also forced Rakesh Aggarwal to sit in their vehicle but dropped him near Vikram Chowk.
While one of the gangsters detained under the Public Safety Act (PSA) in Jammu, is also doubtful, police said they are conducting investigations on various angles.
“Such an incident involving eight to 10 people is very rare in Jammu,” they said and didn’t rule out the possibility of some “outsiders” being part of the loot.
As per the report, the PSA detainee has also reportedly been questioned in jail though police believed that he was not so powerful a gangster to have weapons to execute the big loot.
“Whether all weapons in hands of gangsters were real is also part of investigations,” police said, adding it was virtually not possible for such a big number of people to reach Gandhi Nagar carrying weapons collectively.
Meanwhile, senior police officers visited the house of Rakesh Aggarwal for spot investigations. Gandhi Nagar Police Station teams also reached the house and recorded statements from the family members.
A case has been registered at Gandhi Nagar Police Station for further investigations.
Police expressed confidence that the case will be worked out shortly as CCTV footage of certain areas has been obtained which has also given some clues to the investigation teams.
“As the incident is very rare in Jammu, all angles are being explored in the investigations,” they said.
Rakesh Aggarwal along with another brother and the family of the third brother lives in Gandhi Nagar and owns businesses in Ragunath Bazaar and other areas, reads the report.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by PRESS EXCLUSIVE staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)