In a momentous celebration of women’s achievements, Durdana Yousuf, a distinguished player in the world of Sqay martial arts, was bestowed with a prestigious award today at the “Nari Shakti Women Achievers of Kashmir 2023” event held at the 15 Corps BB Cantt. The award was presented by the honorable Lieutenant Governor, Shri Manoj Sinha, a prominent figure in the region.

Durdana Yousuf’s remarkable contributions to the field of Sqay martial arts have not only solidified her position as a renowned athlete but have also filled the hearts of the entire Jammu and Kashmir Association of Sqay Martial Arts with immense pride.

The ceremony served as a platform to celebrate the strength and resilience of women like Durdana, who have excelled in their respective domains and have become inspiring figures for the community. Shri Manoj Sinha, while presenting the award, commended Durdana Yousuf’s exceptional skills, determination, and her outstanding accomplishments in the field of Sqay martial arts.

This recognition is not just a personal triumph for Durdana Yousuf but also a source of inspiration for young women aspiring to break barriers and achieve excellence in sports. The Jammu and Kashmir Association of Sqay Martial Arts congratulates Durdana Yousuf on this well-deserved honor and eagerly anticipates her continued success, marking this as a proud moment for the entire region.